Rethinking city

The CENTER of CITY of the FUTURE (CCF) is a unique part of Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics of the Czech Technical University in Prague, which brings innovative solutions that meet the needs of the city and its inhabitants in the long-term horizon of 30-50 years.
We research urban systems and structures (cities, regions, connecting and supporting infrastructure, landscape and its resources).
We respond to the current situation and the dynamic changes that are taking place in different parts of these systems and may affect the environment
We are engaged in applied development of infrastructures, technologies, products, tools (HW, SW), services, new business models, process management supported by innovative and digitally intelligent environment (AI implementation, creation and use of digital twin structures and systems and their parts, Virtual Reality, ...)
connecting representatives of municipalities (infrastructure and management), business (production, distribution, finance) and academia (education, research). We create bridges between the different sectors in their respective fields.
We are here with many experts in their fields to define a vision for the future of society and the development of the city for the next few decades. We are rethinking the city, city structures and systems, enhanced by smart technologies. We are creating Vision 2050+.
The city behaves like a living, constantly evolving organism.
All urban structures are the result of a multitude of activities and attractive transactions between different actors. Those that make up the uniquely mixed society in a given locality. This repetitive process formulates over a long period of time the unique DNA of such systems. The dynamics of social development and external factors also shape and define each city in an unrepeatable way.
Each system requires an individual approach, reflecting its specificities. Resources, optimized infrastructure and openness to innovation are the prerequisites for healthy and sustainable growth!
Our vision is of a city created and governed by a society supported by digital innovation and artificial intelligence, where people coexist with new robotic beings of all kinds and shapes, living their dreams in a virtual world, yet in control of their lives and able to make decisions without becoming dependent on it.
Our goal is to fulfill the vision of a sustainable and resilient city of the future by leveraging the latest knowledge in four domains - Society, Economy, Technology and Environment (S.E.T.E.). We therefore divide our research into these four areas. Regardless of how many of these domains are involved, the outcome of each research should always be evaluated in terms of its impact and relationship to the remaining domains!
Within S.E.T.E., we propose to address the following Key Areas of Interest (K.A.I.) - Urbanization, Architecture and Construction 4.0, Society and Artificial Intelligence, and Urban Resilience
Urban systems represent the centers of gravity for their surroundings, the influence of which increases over time. The migration of people to cities is a long-term trend that will continue to develop despite the temporary backlash caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
To make this trend sustainable, it is necessary to reorganize the functional links of the city, changing their parameters and to apply adequate technologies and solutions in the urban space. In urbanization platform we analyze, forecast and test the upcoming changes in the ergonomics of the city caused by future autonomous systems in transportation, the application of the energy grid and the use of new energy sources or the inclusion of new urban structures such as vertical farms, docking and charging stations, vertiports for drones, etc.
The use of technologies with various degrees of digital intelligence, innovative technological processes and tools is moving the field of architecture and construction to the next level, characterized by new functions, material properties and the ability to interact with their users.
Our task is to seek synergies between the key aspects of all knowledge disciplines serving as a basis for the adaption of existing practices in architecture and construction to the conditions corresponding to the latest technological knowledge. We are particularly focusing on the concept of intelligent self- sufficient buildings, the interconnection of systems and subsystems based on artificial intelligence and the creation of superstructures. We are also working to transform the construction ecosystem by applying new technologies in the construction process, from 3D printing to autonomous robotics.
Digital information and communication technologies have an unprecedented impact on individualsaswellas thesociety,withwhichthey are in direct contact. As a result, its behavioral patterns are changing, which translates into changes in his behavior and affects the whole society.
We evaluate these changes and then use the data to identify mechanisms that have the potential to increase the adaptability of individuals and society to changing life conditions. Our research analyzes the correlation between human potential and AI-driven systems. We observe the development of new business models such as the "uberification" of services, but also the transfer of part of our life experiences, activities, and assets to the world of virtual reality. Finally, we explore the assumptions of human-robot coexistence at all levels and the impact of the assumed models on the shape and functioning of the city of the future.
Urban resilience is one of the pressing topics that have been rather marginalized in our society. The protection of urban structures from external and internal hazards is essential for their preservation and expected future development.
At CFF, we research and model urban resilient systems and settlements structures of various sizes, character, and population composition according to type of threat. Our solutions emphasize sustainability and technological support in both the passive (data collection, analytics) and active parts (creation of critical infrastructure, distribution networks, self-regulatory mechanism) in eliminating potential hazards and accelerated regeneration of the entire urban system.
The digital twin of the city of the future, code- named EXO21, is being developed by CCF as a proprietary platform for the analysis and design of urban systems of different types and sizes. Based on big data analysis and the results of subsequent research, development and process modelling, we can use this digital twin and associated simulation models to better plan, design, build, manage, maintain and further develop urban systems and the infrastructure that connects them.
The CCF Laboratory is a space for active collaboration and meeting of all its partners. CCF Lab offers an open environment for testing and further development of new technological solutions offered by their representatives on the domestic and international market. The aim is to combine their unique knowledge, collaboration on real projects and research activities with the subsequent transfer of the results of these activities to the application level and new business models.
The Center cooperates closely with both Czech and foreign institutions, which represent major players in the field of new technologies. This rare symbiosis allows us to extract and distribute knowledge corresponding to the most current trends and thus help Czech companies succeed on the domestic and global market. The Center is also dedicated to education in the form of publishing and organizing professional conferences.
We are grateful for the support of our partners, whose knowledge and experience make the Center of City of the Future an exceptional think-tank space.
Ing. Arch. Michal Postránecký
Founder & Director of CCF CIIRC
CCF is a part of Czech Technical University in Prague, one of the largest and oldest universities in Europe. The Center of City of the Future was founded in 2017 by architect, urbanist and visionary Michal Postránecký as a part of Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics (CIIRC CTU), a modern scientific research institute that brings together excellent research teams, young talent and unique know-how on the best traditions of Czech technical education.
The CCF is overseen by an Advisory Board composed of personalities and experts from various fields. The CCF is also promoted and presented by its ambassadors.
Vojtěch Petráček
Rector of Czech Technical University in Prague
Vladimír Mařík
Scientific Director & Chairman of the CIIRC Scientific Council
Ondřej Velek
Director CIIRC CTU Prague
Daniel Meron
Former Ambassador of Israel to Czechia
Pavel Smutný
President of Czech Israeli Mutual Chamber of Commerce
Pavel Rozsypal
Former Ambassador of Delegation of the Czech Republic to the OECD
Jan Šedivý
Head of CIIRC Big Data and Cloud Computing
Tomáš Kraus
Secretary of the Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic